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Shared Office Space

Our Shared Office is the perfect solution when you only need an office PART TIME

business woman on phone in small office  Copyright: <a href=''>michaeljung / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
business man in small office
man in office space
business professional in office suite

Need an office or conference room on a part time basis? Check into one of our shared suite programs that gives you mail service, along with the use of one of our furnished offices or conference rooms at a discounted rate for a guaranteed block of time. This shared office is your part time office to use when you find you need it most. Contact us for more information.

Need help with any of the thousands of other things that business demands of you from basic secretarial services, copying, laser printing, desktop publishing, research, etc.? McNab Executive Plaza stands ready to lend you a hand.

secretarial help  Copyright: <a href=''>pressmaster / 123RF Stock Photo</a>